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Yoga with Kim

Pat Moore | Published on 5/11/2021

Yoga with Kim
A bunch of Sorella’s gathered at Grant Park to do yoga with Kim Nelson. I’m not a yoga person but decided to try the class and I am glad I did! We all were amazed at how nice it felt to meet in person rather than over a Zoom meeting. It was a perfect day weather-wise for yoga too. We found a cozy spot with some shade and Kim lead us through several poses that are of specific interest to us as cyclists. Kim made it very accessible for all skill levels, and was very good at explaining the poses and why they were helpful. The class taught us many poses that will definitely be great addition to my workout routine.

After the yoga class a few of us decided to check out the beer selection at our sponsor Eventide Brewing. We all had a nice time chatting about cycling and shared how much we have missed group rides. Hopefully we can all get back to those rides we’ve missed.

Yoga, beer, camaraderie, cycling talk - it doesn’t get much better than that. It was a great day! Thanks for a great class Kim. You are awesome to do this for the club!