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Girls Gone Gravel shares bike stories for women!

Published on 6/27/2020
Sorella Kathryn Taylor has taken women’s cycling to a new level in 2020 with her Girls Gone Gravel homegrown website, Instagram and FaceBook social presence. Kathryn is also a Trek Ambassador, a cycling and triathlon coach, and a bad ass on a bike!  

The goal is to answer the questions that woman cyclist want to know, from the beginners perspective, by asking experienced women to share the answers. This has led to articles, podcasts and webinars - all available FREE to fuel our passion of cycling. While many conversations are with a gravel cycling perspective, the value for all disciplines of cycling exists without even trying!  Advocacy for the sport, nutrition, gear, maintenance, strength building, seat options, bike options, race stories, personal challenges and triumphs - did I mention enough variety to make you want to check it out?

Here are the sites and names to search to find Kathryn and her posts:
FaceBook - Girls Gone Gravel and Women Gravel Cyclists (Join)
Ínstagram - girlsgonegravel (Follow)
YouTube - Girls Gone Gravel (Subscribe)

Ali Tetrick hosts The Big Girl Chamois Show, the latest addition to the Girls Gone Gravel YouTube channel.  Episode 1 is an interview with Sorella Lauren Giles about her epic race at the Gold Rush in 2019.